Sale & Promotion Terms
No Exchange or Return for Change of Mind:
Sale items are final and cannot be exchanged or returned for any reason related to a change of mind. We encourage customers to carefully review their purchase before completing the transaction. -
Discounts and Promotional Offers:
All discounts, sales, and promotional offers are subject to change at any time without notice. Discount rates may vary depending on availability, promotion terms, or other factors. Prices and discounts are not guaranteed beyond the date of the transaction. -
Discount Percentage Increase:
If a discount percentage increases after your purchase, you will not be eligible for store credit, refunds, or special offers based on the new discount rate. Purchases made at a lower discount will not be adjusted to reflect any subsequent price changes. -
Free Shipping Exclusion:
Free shipping is not applicable to items purchased during sales or promotions. Shipping fees will apply unless otherwise specified.
By making a purchase, you acknowledge and accept these terms.